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Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Ironing the United States (2)

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Baren Barnabas:


I dreamed last night
head of liberty full of light ...

Not from lights
not from sunlight

The light illuminates the world
everyone feels happy, wants to hold
... reach out by hand

But, they were surprised
the head of liberty did not appear to have long hair unraveled

She's a veiled woman, oh, God, it's amazing
her white headscarf dangled to her chest, very charming

Her little lips smiled
kindly at everyone. Her glowing eyes glistened
She said,

"I want to be born again
with my holy soul. I never held a gun

Since a long time ago. You know that
If you ask why? Because I don't like war and don't like to fight

I love peace
and want to keep peace,
until whenever. My right hand holds the torch, to light it
Not only for me, but also for you

So that we don't suffer from darkness like a century ago
And we can go
hand in hand to achieve one goal: 
peace, justice, prosperity, happiness, for all

Yes, everyone! 

You certainly see, my left hand holds a book
Books of science, rules, norms, religion, ... about all things that are very important to know 

That life is only temporary
This world will perish one day

Educate your children with more lessons than you get
because your children will live in a time far different from your age

Therefore, bear in mind!
Obey the rules, don't be violated

Don't be hostile to each other
Fight for life in the world, as if we will live forever
Fight for the Hereafter, as if we will die tomorrow."

When heard those words, 
everyone was amazed
Liberty reaches for a Palestinian child 
and holds it in her arms, full of love.

"Unfortunately, my children are too naughty. They forget my advice."

Liberty's tears fell dripping
and Palestinian children wipe it off with compassion

                                               Indonesia, January 17, 2019

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2 komentar:

  1. Eta mah salasawios pangaresep jisim kuring nu kalebet widang nonakademik. Salam.


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Antologi Puisi

Ironing the United States (2)

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